Due Diligence and participation: lessons and challenges from Brazilian environmental licensing

Flavia Silva Scabin, Julia Cortez da Cunha Cruz, Tamara Brezighello Hojaij


Community involvement and participation of the people affected by business activities are part of human rights due diligence. Such participation is already mandatory in the case of large-scale projects through a licensing procedure. This article proposes an analysis of the Brazilian experience with participation mechanisms within the environmental licensing procedure with the aim of providing guidance for the development of similar mechanisms within human rights due diligence. This comparison leads to the conclusion that effective protection of impacted communities depends on certain conditions: participation and engagement tools should be implemented since the initial phases of project planning and decision-making; they should include information and capacity building mechanisms; and the business decision-making process should effectively consider their results.


Participation – Engagement – Human rights due diligence – Human rights and entreprises


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