Recognition, justice and the depoliticization of contemporary political theory: a critique of Rawls and Honneth

Luanda Schramm


John Rawls and Axel Honneth are authors whose theories form the background of
current debates around the foundation of democratic political action. If the theory of
recognition defines justice in terms that include real experiences of social injustice,
different theories of justice of Kantian inspiration invent theoretical models that seem
unable to account for the recent phenomena of exclusion, oppression and domination.
Besides promoting a reduction of political philosophy to moral philosophy, the various
appropriations of Hegel’s theory of recognition and Rawlsian theory of justice have in
common the fact that they produce an effect of legitimation of political liberalism. While Honneth naturalizes the structural inequalities, Rawls promotes its veiling.


Justice – Recognition – Inequality


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